The annual fun dog show in aid of Suki's Canine Rescue returns for it's fourth year at the Broomfield Tavern. Free admission, but a small charge per class to enter the dog show. We will also be welcoming various animal rescue groups and animal related charities along again to promote their work and various other stalls. We now have a booking form for those wishing to apply for a stall for this event. Please send your email to Ceri or Alex at [email protected] using the online form below. We are after a good variety of stalls and already have certain items booked so please don't be offended if we can't fit you in this time.
Want to get involved?
Costs & How to pay £10 per stall. Charitable Stalls just £5 Stallholder fees are requested at the time of booking and they are to be made via Paypal to [email protected] within 48 hours of receiving our confirmation email. If you wish to make a bank transfer please contact us for details. All stallholder fees are NON refundable. Should the event be cancelled by the organiser, your received payment will be reimbursed.
Event Terms & Conditions
Stallholder entrance opens at 9.00am to 10.00am
Face-painting and Glitter Tattoos NOT permitted unless approved by event organisers.
The sale of homemade dog treats/food is not permitted without DEFRA licence and appropriate liability insurance.
Do not trade in illegal goods, e.g. copied CD’s or DVD’s. Trading standards may be doing checks.
Please ensure that any rubbish is bagged and removed, after the events.
Any queries in relation to any our events please email our Events Manager Alex Spedding at [email protected].